Arkansas Children's Hospital
General Information 501-364-1100
Arkansas Children's Northwest
General Information 479-725-6800
General information:
Primary care appointments: 501-364-1202
Specialty care appointments: 501-364-4000
Dr. Lauren Appell is a pediatric hematologist/oncologist specializing in bone marrow transplant and cellular therapy within the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Arkansas Children's Hospital. In this role, she has grown to understand and appreciate the gravity and breadth of the distinct challenges that childhood cancer survivors face. Dr. Appell has become specifically interested in metabolic and cardiovascular late effects, which are prominent among childhood cancer survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Her long-term goal is to research preventative care practices to decrease the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular negative outcomes in these patients and, therefore, improve their long-term morbidity and quality of life. Specifically, Dr. Appell is investigating the feasibility of implementing a supervised outpatient strength and exercise regimen in children who have been newly diagnosed with ALL (STReNGth & Outpatient Exercise Regimen in ALL - STRONGER ALL).
Medical Degree
Arkansas Children’s has the only team of pediatric neuro-oncology specialists in the state dedicated to helping children with brain and spinal cord tumors.
The Continuity Clinic is an extension of the General Pediatric Center providing diagnosis, treatment and/or follow-up of children with general health problems.
The Bone and Soft-tissue Tumor Program at Arkansas Children's Hospital provides specialty care for children with bone, muscle, or connective tissue cancer.
Learn what a solar eclipse is how to safely watch it with your children.
Learn more about one of our emergency department physicians outside of their career at Arkansas Children's.
An Arkansas Children's otolaryngologist shares what parents need to know about ear tubes.