One of the best ways to keep safe is to take a "baby's eye view" (or a "child's eye view") of your home. Get level with the baby or child's height, and inspect each room so you can spot the sharp corners, exposed electrical wall outlets and cords, hanging cords to lamps and other appliances, and loose objects that might easily fall.

Use a home safety checklist to help you. When you have finished with your own home, use the checklist again with grandparents and other caregivers to reduce injury risks in every home your child visits. Injury risks in the home change as children grow and develop, so make sure to use the checklist often.

The Injury Prevention Center partners with local communities to provide Safety Baby Showers for expectant mothers. Mothers who attend the showers receive education on home safety, safe sleep, motor vehicle safety and prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome. For more information on the Injury Prevention Center at Arkansas Children's Hospital, call 501-364-3400 or email us at

Period of PURPLE Crying

Does your baby have times of inconsolable crying or have “colic”?

You are not alone, this is a normal part of infant development.  Arkansas Children's understands this time can be confusing and concerning for parents and refers to this time as the Period of Purple Crying. For more information, you can visit the Period of PURPLE Crying website.

If you would like access to the Period of PURPLE  Crying app please contact the Injury Prevention Center at 364-3400.

Cribs for Kids® National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Did you know that babies should always be put to sleep on their backs and that caregivers should remove all soft bedding, bumpers, and toys from their sleep space? Arkansas Children's has been recognized as a Cribs for Kids® National Gold Certified Safe Sleep Champion, which means we are dedicated to providing caregivers tips and resources to keep your baby sleeping safely!

Know Your ABC’s of Safe Sleep

  • Alone (never co-sleep with your baby)
  • Back (only put your baby to sleep on their backs)
  • Crib (make sure your baby’s sleep environment is safe and free of suffocation hazards, i.e. blankets, bumper pads, stuffed animals, etc.)

Safe Sleep Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Staff Training Materials

The materials below may assist hospitals in the development of safe sleep policies and programs for infants. For more information, contact the Injury Prevention Center at 501-364-3400 or by email at

Contact an Injury Prevention Expert

Contact an injury prevention expert at 501-364-3400 or email us at